While breast reduction cosmetic surgery is one of the safer cosmetic procedures, it is still essential that the patient should be aware of the possible risks and complications involved.
Unfavorable reaction to anesthesia, risks pertaining to infections, asymmetry, and uneven nipple height are some of the potential complications associated with this surgery.
However, the advantages will typically outweigh the risks of breast reduction surgery in a majority of the cases. At the time of the pre-operative consultation, the breast surgeon will explain the safety and risks associated with breast reduction surgery. The primary goal of a dedicated surgeon will be to assist the patient in making an informed choice.
Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reduction surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities.
Breast Asymmetry
After the breast reduction plastic surgery, the breasts may appear asymmetrical in a few cases. This risk can be reduced significantly is the patient selects a skilled and experienced surgeon. The occurrence of asymmetrical breasts can be rectified in a revision surgery later.
Patients should understand that natural breasts are not entirely symmetrical anyway. Minor variations in the look of the breasts are normal, and should not warrant a revision surgery.
Uneven Nipple Height
The size and shape of the breasts will change during a breast reduction surgery and some of the breast skin will be shifted during the procedure. Therefore, the position of the nipple will most likely get altered after the reduction.
In certain cases, the nipple is detached and grafted to a new site on the breast. But even if the nipples stay attached, the breast skin will excised to fit smaller sized breasts. The nipple height can become irregular in both these situations.
Changes in Sensation
Breast reduction surgery can cause a temporary loss of sensation in the incision sites. This risk heightens when the nipple is detached and grafted to another location. In breast reduction procedures that do not involve grafting, the change in sensation is minimal, and usually temporary. Nipple grafting should always be performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon.
Problems Related to Breastfeeding
It may not be possible for a woman to breastfeed after breast reductions surgery. The degree of the risk of breastfeeding impairment will depend on the surgical method used. The anchor pattern breast reduction technique increases the risk of breastfeeding impairment. Many milk ducts are eliminated in this procedure which can make breastfeeding challenging in the future.
Vertical Incision breast reduction method will reduce the chances of breastfeeding impairment. Some part of the nipple remains connected to the milk ducts in this technique. In case the patient has more fatty tissue and less glandular tissue, the surgery can be conducted using liposuction. This method significantly reduces the risk of breastfeeding impairment.
The risk of infection and poor reaction to anesthesia are risks common to any surgery, including breast reduction. Honorable and successful female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas and other communities and neighborhoods in the outstanding state of Texas for breast reduction surgery and various other procedures.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.