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Who is a good candidate for ear surgery?

Who is a good candidate for ear surgery? | Houston, TexasMany people are displeased with the shape or size of their ears right from childhood. Others may feel that their ears are excessively protuberant, droop too low.

Children may experience teasing at school while adults may go to great lengths to conceal their imperfect ears with their hair or by wearing hats.

Thankfully, ear reshaping plastic surgery (otoplasty), is an effective and readily available solution to alter the ears surgically. This corrective procedure is quite popular among adults as well as children.

People considering ear pinning surgery should consult a well-qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who will establish their candidacy for this procedure. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides otoplasty to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.

Otoplasty Candidates

Ears are a prominent part of the body. At times, long hair can hide them, but that is a temporary solution. They are so noticeable that people routinely wear jewelry on them. Therefore, when a person feels uncomfortable with the shape of their ears, it can sometimes cause unbearable embarrassment and self-consciousness.

For this reason, otoplasty is such a sought-after procedure for so many individuals. Children can experience constant teasing from peers due to their ear shape.

At the same time, adults may feel self-conscious about their ears. People who have experienced trauma to their ears may also seek a restorative solution in the form of ear reshaping surgery.

On the other hand, some children have congenital ear defects. Such children may be ideal candidates for reconstructive ear surgery. The following information can help a person decide whether they or their child fall into the category of likely ear surgery candidates:

Traditional vs. Reconstructive Otoplasty

Traditional otoplasty or ear pinning is a plastic surgery procedure where oversized or protuberant ears are “pinned” back towards the patient’s head creating a more natural appearance that the patient usually feels is more appealing and normal.

Reconstructive otoplasty helps address severe ear defects that may be present since birth or may develop due to external trauma. Reconstructive otoplasty can help correct the following defects:

    • Cagot Ear: The absence of the earlobe


  • Cat’s Ear: The ear edges are folded forward, similar to a cat’s ears
  • Lop Ear: The ear resembles a cup and curves severely inward
  • Scroll Ear: The ears are curled forward, akin to a rolled up scroll
  • Wildermuth’s Ear: The top curve of the ear is reversed, and it curves towards the scalp instead
  • Stahl’s Ear Deformity: The ear folds abnormally creating a pointed edge that looks like an elf’s ear
  • Cleft Earlobe: An indent within the earlobe
  • Question Mark Ear or Cosman Ear: The ear resembles a question mark and has a separation in the skull between the earlobe and the outer curve of the ear
  • Microtia: The ears are excessively small and underdeveloped
  • Macrotia: The ears are abnormally large
  • Constricted Ear: Partial absence of cartilage and skin on the outer back part of the ear
  • Cryptotia: The upper curved part of the ear is embedded in the scalp


Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for ear reshaping surgery.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.